2015年第1期   DOI:
France SRU Law: Experience and Lessons for Social Housing Construction in China

王一 张尚武

Wang Yi, Zhang Shangwu

关键词:社会住宅;法国;《社会团结与城市更新法》; 社会融合

Keywords:Social Housing; France; SRU Law; Social Integration


二战后法国住房数量严重短缺,政府在城市郊区大规模集中建设社会住宅,虽在短时期内满足了住房数量需求,但导致了社会隔离的产生。为了解决这一问题,法国自1980 年代开始寻求促进社会融合的方法。2000年法国颁布了《社会团结与城市更新法》(SRU 法),从根本上改变了社会住宅的选址和建设方式,对社会住宅的均衡分配起到了积极作用。本文分析了SRU 法的出台背景、内容、适用范围以及实施效果,并结合中国国情,对中国保障性住房在选址及建设规模方面提出建议:从城市整体尺度的角度考虑选址;不同区位的住房建设应采取多样化的资金筹措方式;建立监管体系,促进住房均衡分布。


After World War II, social housing in France was in urgent shortage and the government built massive affordable housing in suburbs, which met the demands for accommodation in short term, but led to social isolation issues later. Since the 1980s, France has been seeking for ways to enhance social integration. In 2000, SRU law (loi Solidarité et Renouvellement Urbain) was promulgated, which fundamentally changed the ways of choosing social housing sites and the constructions methods. This law plays a positive role in balancing the allocation of social housing. This article analyzes the background, content scope and effects of SRU law in application, then suggests that in China, the whole urban planning pattern should be taken into consideration during building social housing, and different finance systems should be adopted according to different locations, also,the supervision system is required for the implementation of the social housing policy.





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