2015年第1期   DOI:
Study on Aging-friendly Living Modes in Germany: Multidimensional Integration

黄翊 李潇 吕小勇

Huang Yi, Li Xiao, Lv Xiaoyong


Keywords:Germany; Aging-friendly; Living Modes; Multidimensional Integration


人口老龄化问题是21 世纪世界各国都亟需应对的重大挑战。德国经过近30 年系统而深入的研究,已形成了相对完善的适老化应对措施体系。其中,对于适老化居住模式这一直接关系到老年人生活质量的议题,德国开展了大量的探索和实践,已在理论和方法上取得了丰富的成果和经验。本文试从建立对适老化居住概念的理解出发,进一步分析其实现途径和未来发展导向,全面解读德国近年来适老化居住模式营造的核心理念和方法,即采用多维度融合的综合视角。本文旨在传递国际经验,为我国探索老年友好社会建设提供思路启迪和实践借鉴。


The aging problem is a world-wide grand challenge in the 21st Century. By systematic and deep research in recent 30 years, Germany has formed an aging-friendly countermeasure system as a response. In terms of the issue regarding aging-friendly living modes which directly relate to the life qualities of the elderly, Germany has accumulated rich experiences both theoretically and methodically by numerous explorations and practices. This paper starts from the understanding of German living dimensional philosophy and further discusses their main ideas, approaches and

development orientations of creating aging-friendly living modes, which emphasizes the concept of multidimensional integration. By those approaches above, the paper aims to disseminate international information and serve to theoretical and practical guidance for the construction of aging-friendly society in China.






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