2015年第1期   DOI:
城市生态功能区规划与实施的国际经验及启示 ——以大伦敦地区和兰斯塔德地区为例
The International Experience and Enlightenment of the Urban Eco-function Zone Planning: In Reference to the Greater London and the Randstad


Wu Zhiling

关键词:生态功能区;绿带;绿心;大伦敦地区; 兰斯塔德地区

Keywords:Eco-function Zones; Green Belt; Green Heart; The Greater London; The Randstad




Nowadays the focus of urban ecological planning has gradually shifted to eco-function zones, which can be brought in the planning management system. Recently, Shenzhen, Beijing, Wuhan and many other cities in China have adopted tools like spatial control, basic ecological line’s control , etc., to explore methods of ecological resource protection in the context of rapid urbanization. Facing the contradictions between development and ecology, such ecofunctional zone planning is difficult in implementation. Two mega city regions, the Greater London and the Randstad, are chosen as a case study, to provide experience for China’s eco-functional zone planning practice. It shows that a series of policy with rigidity and flexibility is needed. What’s more, the compensation mechanism, active development mechanism and legal system are also needed to ensure the implementation of eco-functional zone planning.




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