2015年第2期   DOI:
Urban Resilience and the Recovery of New Orleans

托马斯·J·坎帕内拉 著 罗震东 周洋岑 译

Written by Thomas J. Campanella Translated by Luo Zhendong, Zhou Yangcen






This article considers the recent catastrophe in New Orleans in terms of “urban resilience”, the capacity of  city to rebound from destruction. Based on a variety of historical examples, I argue that urban resilience is largely a function of resilient and resourceful citizens. Hurricane Katrina not only devastated the built environment of New Orleans but, by forcing a massive evacuation of residents, tore apart its social fabric as well. I maintain that plans to rebuild the physical infrastructure of the city must be accompanied by a commitment to rehabilitate its social fabric and communal networks. Only with strong citizen involvement at the grassroots level will the rebuilding of New Orleans yield a robust and inclusive metropolis, rather than a theme-park shadow of its former self.

版权信息:本文原载于《美国规划协会会刊》2006 年第2 期(Journal of the American Planning Association, 2006, 72[2]: 141-146);美 国规划协会(American Planning Association)授权本刊发表 中译文

托马斯· J · 坎帕内拉,北卡罗来纳州立大学教堂山分校城市规划与设计系助理教授,《韧性城市:现代城市如何从灾难中复兴》(牛津大学出版社,2005)一书的共同编著者




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