2015年第2期   DOI:
Experience and Implications of Using Smart Growth Policy as Stormwater Best Management Practices in the USA

张纯 宋彦

Zhang Chun, Song Yan


Keywords:Stormwater Best Management Practice; Smart Growth; Low Impact Development; Stormwater Management; Urban Safety




Using Smart Growth techniques, this paper introduces experience of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the USA to provide policy implications for Chinese cities on improving natural disaster mitigation ability from urban planning and urban management perspective. BMPs combine stormwater management with urban planning, land use and transportation planning development in the urban planning stage, emphasizing the control of density, land mixed-use and site selection rather than simply highlighting the role of engineering. In order to facilitate the implementation, BMPs adopt some urban development tools, such as compensation of floor area rate, rewards on land mixed-use, priority funding areas and transfer of development rights. BMPs advocate that different strategies should be applied in various scales, including strategies for individual buildings and building sites, better site design strategies, infrastructure strategies and also regional strategies. In the planning practice, detail design under low impact development is highlightened. Borrowing the experience of BMPs under urban growth policy, the implications for Chinese cities lie in combing the stormwater management within land and transportation planning, and maintaining the urban safety and sustainable water source in case of natural disaster.





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