2015年第2期   DOI:
A Comparison of the Strategies to Cope with Shrinkage in the USA and Germany: Under the Background of Transformation of Growth Orientation Values

李翔 陈可石 郭新

Li Xiang, Chen Keshi, Guo Xin


Keywords:Transformation of Growth Orientation Values; Shrinking Cities; Urban Renaissance




In recent years, the phenomenon of shrinking cities in developed counties has become continuously severe, which led to increasingly complex urban problems. More experts, therefore, began to focus on the strategies to deal with shrinkage, which in the United States and Germany are fairly representative. This paper starts to analyze the background of different values of these two countries in response to the shrinkage, and compares the approaches to shrinkage within the cities of Cleveland (the USA) and Magdeburg (Germany). Findings show that most developed countries, including the United States, continued to deal with shrinkage in the use of traditional growth orientation paradigm, which intensified the negative consequences of shrinkage, while Germany took the lead to values shift - followed a more citywide strategy of downsizing and achieved good results. Through the comparative overview of the paradigm of the USA and Germany, the paper suggests a new transatlantic cognition of shrinkage and new enlightenment to restructure shrinking cities in China.






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