2015年第2期   DOI:
基于GIS 的城市设计工作方法探索
Urban Design Methods Based on Geographic Information System

洪成 杨阳

Hong Cheng, Yang Yang

关键词:城市设计;GIS ;工作方法

Keywords:Urban Design; GIS; Methods


基于AutoCAD 的城市设计工作方法存在设计与分析相独立、成果无法直接输入管理信息系统等问题,造成设计与问题研究、公众参与、规划管理等工作之间信息流通不畅,也不契合现代城市设计自身的特质。为此,提出基于GIS 的城市设计工作方法,并建立起该方法的基本框架和步骤。在此基础上,基于ArcGIS10.0 这一软件平台在多个城市设计项目中初步实践了这一方法,并总结该方法的优势和劣势,提出未来可能的发展方向:GIS 是城市设计中多种技术、多种软件平台、多来源信息、多个工作阶段相互整合的主要平台。


Currently there exist some problems in urban design methods based on AutoCAD. For instance, it leads to the separation between design and analysis, and the inability to input the design results into management information system. That is negative impact on the information flow between design, research, public participation and management, and also does not fit the peculiarity of the present age urban design. Therefore, this article proposes a method based on GIS, and establishes its basic framework and steps. In addition, the author introduces this method in multiple urban design projects. Based on the experience, this article summarizes its advantages and disadvantages, and presents the possible direction of future development: GIS acts as the main integration platform of the multiple technologies, software, information, and working stage in urban design work.





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