2015年第增刊期   DOI:
规划文本评估内容与方法探讨 ——以美国城市总体规划文本评估为例
Content and Methods of Plan Document Evaluation: Case Study of the US Cities

宋彦 唐瑜 丁国胜 陈燕萍

Song Yan, Tang Yu, Ding Guosheng, Chen Yanping


Keywords:Plan Document Evaluation; Internal Validity; External Validity; Assessment Methods




The article takes a case study of comprehensive planning document evaluation in the United States to reveal the content and methods of plan document evaluation. It is found that the content of plan document evaluation mainly focuses on the internal validity and external validity of plan formulation and on the methodology, planning document evaluation protocols can be an important tool for conducting a plan document evaluation and “multiparty jointed evaluation” can be an effective work mechanism to guarantee an objective and accurate evaluation result. It points out that there are still lots of problems in both internal validity and external validity of planning formulation in China. It also suggests that we should promote the plan document evaluation to make it as an important tool for planning approval and self-examination of planners in their daily work.







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