2015年第4期   DOI:
Examining the Relationship Between Neighborhood Built Environment and Travel Behavior: A Review from the US Perspective


Jason Cao


Keywords:Urbanization; Land Use; Smart Growth; Transportation; Travel Demand




Governments in developed countries have adopted various land use and transportation policies to counter the effects of urban sprawl. Many scholars have examined the relationships between the built environment and travel behavior to evaluate the effectiveness of the policies. The insightful research outcomes have guided urban planning practice in developed countries. Recent urban development in China seems to follow the pattern of the USA and its negative consequences have emerged. However, because the research on built environment and travel behavior is still in its infant stage, domestic scholars need to learn from international research practice and develop our own research agenda. Based on the research progress of the USA, this paper introduces the evolution of research motivation, method, and theoretical foundation, summarizes research questions and outcomes, and makes recommendations for future cutting-edge research.




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