2016年第1期   DOI:
Special Background and Potential Conflict: Agriculture Development During the Urbanization Progress in China

胡亮 王兴平

Hu Liang , Wang Xingping


Keywords:Special Background; Potential Conflict; Urbanization; Agriculture Development; China




Compared with western countries, the restrictive development policy in early era leads to a slow agricultural development in China. Further, huge population and limited arable land resources cause involution both in the agricultural labor force and technology input. With the continuous improvement of urbanization and the expansion of urban space, grain consumption demand is promoting, structural shortage of agricultural labor force is increasingly prominent and the new phenomenon of abandoned land is constantly emerging. The potential conflict of urbanization and agricultural development encounters again after the reform and opening up. Agricultural development has become the key issue for both urban and rural development. Therefore, a reconsideration on the relationship between urbanization and agricultural development is needed, and it is recommended to promote management transformation of agriculture on the basis of the scale management of agriculture.





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