2016年第3期   DOI:
增长主义视角下的中国城市规划解读—— 评《为增长而规划:中国城市与区域规划》
Understanding Chinese Urban Planning in the Growth-first Politics:Based on a Review of Planning for Growth: Urban & Regional Planning in China

张京祥 陈浩

Zhang Jingxiang, Chen Hao


Keywords:Growth-first Politics; Urban and Regional Planning; Planning Paradigm; Planning Transition; China


1990 年代的发展环境使得中国城市形成了增长主义发展模式。在此模式驱动下,中国城市规划形成了一种独特的逻辑和范式,吴缚龙教授在《为增长而规划:中国城市与区域规划》一书中将其理论化为“为增长而规划”。本文对“为增长而规划”范式的主要内容进行了解读,对该著作的学术贡献做了评述,并对作者书中的有关观点与重大问题进行了延伸思考。作者在书中提出的“为增长而规划”的范式,是对中国增长主义主导时代规划实践的一个系统性理论总结,揭示了当代中国城市规划的核心价值。但随着中国增长主义模式走向终结,“为增长而规划”范式的合法性基础正迅速消逝,建构多元目标和多元价值包容发展的规划新范式,应成为后增长主义时代中国规划重建的基本方向。


Since the 1990s, China has formed a growth-first mode of political economy. Under this political economic context, urban planning in China was dominated by a unique logic or paradigm which was distinct from the counter-parts in the western context. Professor Wu Fulong theorized the Chinese planning paradigm since the reform and opening-up as “planning for growth” in his latest book Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China. This paper reviews the main arguments of Wu's book, and makes a commentary on the academic contributions the book will make to the Chinese academia of urban and regional planning. The paper also argues that the legitimacy of “planning for growth”is being challenged by great economic and social crisis, and the Chinese planning paradigm must be evolved to a more inclusive version.





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