2016年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2014.094
Issue of Harmonizing Planning and Market: A Study on Simplified Planning Zone in the UK

杨建军 童心 陈巍

Yang Jianjun, Tong Xin, Chen Wei


Keywords:The UK; Simplified Planning Zone; Industry Function Zone




How to harmonize planning and market is the eternal subject of urban planning. Especially in current period, facing the social and economic transformation and the gradually mature market, city planning desperately needs to seek innovations and changes to adapt to the market mechanism. The real industry is the strong support of urban economy at this stage, but planning of rigid constraints does not match with the development of industry zone in the changing market environment. So it’s important to reexamine the relationship between planning and market and probe into reform of planning to provide better development environment. The establishment of Simplified Planning Zone (SPZ) in the UK was an important reform carried out by Thatcher Government to simplify planning in the 1980s. The way of inserting zoning in the permission system through establishing special function zones avoided the inefficiency caused by government’s excessive intervention of projects, strengthened the market mechanism and boosted the economic development. The paper restores the system prototype behind the SPZ, analyses SPZ’s system properties and practical effect, explores the reform in domestic industry function zone’s planning to adapt to the market based on the SPZ’s experience and puts forward the strategies of setting up industry function zone, integrating planning systems and formulating development guideline.




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