2017年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.128
恢复力、弹性或韧性?—— 社会—生态系统及其相关研究领域中“Resilience”一词翻译之辨析
A Comparative Study of Chinese Translation of Resilience Terminology in Socio-Ecological System and Its Related Research Fields

汪辉 徐蕴雪 卢思琪 任懿璐 象伟宁

Wang Hui, Xu Yunxue, Lu Siqi, Ren Yilu, Xiang Weining

关键词:Resilience ;社会—生态系统;生态环境;城市;灾害学;翻译;生态智慧

Keywords:Resilience; Socio-Ecological System; Ecology and Environment; City; Catastrophology; Translation; Ecological Wisdom




The accurate translation of foreign terminology plays an important role in the research and practice of various fields, so the accurate translation of “resilience” is of great significance to promote the research and practice of resilient urban and rural living environment based on ecological wisdom. The city is the most complex socio-ecological system, so it is necessary to put the “resilience” in the social-ecological system context when it is accurate to study the “resilience” of ecological practice of urban and rural living environment. As part of the worldwide burgeoning development of “resilience” research in socio-ecological systems, the past several years saw a rise in “resilience” research and practice in China, but Chinese academic circles had not arrived at the consensus of opinion about the translation of “resilience” terminology, and many kinds of translation vocabularies would result in the confusing understanding that was not conducive to the development of “resilience” theory and practice in China. In order to find the most suitable translation vocabulary for unification, we compare the definition of “resilience” in English dictionary with the three mainstream definitions in Chinese dictionary. After that we review the connotation of academic concept of “resilience” through international literature and do a statistic analysis and reason analysis of the translation of “resilience” through Chinese literatures in socio-ecological system and its related fields. The results show that the translation vocabulary of “韧性”is the closest to the connotation of the academic concept of “resilience”. In our view, implies a rejection of the opinion that the system would be restored to equilibrium after disturbance, and it matched with the idea that our world, as a socio-ecological system, should be stronger, more prosperous and more vitality rather than come back to the origin situation after a disaster.








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