2017年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.134
生态智慧的制度之维 —— 论法律在城乡生态实践中的作用
Legal Dimension of Ecological Wisdom: The Role of Laws in Urban and Rural Ecological Practice


Zhang Zhenwei


Keywords:Ecological Wisdom; Institutions; Law; McHarg


制度对于生态智慧指导实践的结果具有决定性作用,从制度视角研究生态智慧具有重要意义。本文通过案例、历史考察、逻辑实证等方法探讨制度研究的学理意义,考察作为外部正式制度的法律与生态智慧实现的作用机理。通过麦克哈格相关的两个立法例——《1982 年海岸带屏障资源法》和《1969 年国家环境政策法》,本文论述了恶法并不能保证生态智慧的落地,而良法则反之,进而提出:法律也必须具有生态智慧;法律不仅属于生态智慧的运行理论,也属于生态智慧知识领域的内容;制度与法律是生态智慧研究不可或缺的方向。


Institutions play a decisive role in the realization of ecological wisdom, and it is of great significance to carry out ecological wisdom research from institutional perspective. With methods such as case study, historical investigation and logical demonstration, this paper explores the theoretical features of institutional research, and examines the interacting mechanism of law as an external formal system and the realization of ecological wisdom. By interpreting two opposite legislative cases related to Ian McHarg: the 1982 Coastal Barrier Resource Act and the 1969 National Environmental Policy Act, this paper argues that bad laws could not guarantee the realization of ecological wisdom and vice versa, and further draws a number of conclusions – laws should also be embedded with ecological wisdom; laws not only belongs to operating theory of ecological wisdom, but also belongs to the domain knowledge of ecological wisdom; institutions and laws are indispensable direction in ecological wisdom research.




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