2017年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi. 2015.284
New Progress in Study on Resilient Cities


Li Tongyue

关键词:韧性城市;适应;灾害;气候变化;区域经济; 机理;评价;城市规划

Keywords:Resilient Cities; Adaptation; Hazard; Climate Change; Regional Economy; Mechanism; Evaluation; Urban Planning


本文以“resilient”“resilience”“city”“urban”作为四个关键词进行组合,运用web of science 搜索平台(包括SCI、SSCI 等引文数据库),对2000—2015 年在国际主要杂志,如《城市》《景观与城市规划》《环境与城市化》等上发表的论文进行检索,加上相关经典著作、会议报告等,共收集约120 份文献资料,基于此详细分析了韧性城市理论演变以及研究的主要内容。韧性的概念最早出现自1970 年代的生态学,经历了从“平衡性”到“适应性”的演变,目前主要应用于灾害和气候变化、城市和区域经济韧性、城市基础设施韧性、城市恐怖袭击韧性、空间和城市规划等领域。其研究的内容主要集中在韧性城市演化机理、韧性城市评价、韧性城市规划等方面。


The review is based on 120 articles published on the main international journals, such as Cities、Landscape and Urban Planning、Environment and Urbanization etc. and focuses on the theoretical evolution and major research contents. Derived from ecology of 1970s, the concept of resilience has evolved from the perspective of equilibrium to adaptation. The research mainly concentrates in the fields of hazards and climate change, urban and regional economy, urban infrastructure, terrorist attack, spatial planning and urban planning and pays attention to the evolution mechanism, evaluation and planning of resilient cities.




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