2018年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.318
The Transformation and Spatial Reconstruction of Shoreline Utilization in Coastal City: The Case of Barcelona


Cheng Peng


Keywords:Coastal City; Shoreline Utilization; Space Reconstruction; Barcelona




Based on the evolution of the spatial relation of the port and the city, this paper reviews the three stages of the development of Barcelona coast, then analyzes the elements of Barcelona coastal shoreline and the spatial development pattern, including shoreline utilization and function pattern, public facilities and open space, traffic system, landscape system and shoreline design. On one hand, interpreting the development process can help us understand the utilization stage characteristics of the coastal shoreline; on the other hand, interpreting the elements and patterns of spatial development is very instructive for us to carry out evaluation of the planning and implementation of waterfront area shape of local identity.




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