2018年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.087
Methodology and Application of Quantitative Case Study in Urban Planning & Design in the New Data Environment

甘欣悦 龙瀛

Gan Xinyue, Long Ying


Keywords:Methodology; New Data Environment; Urban Design; Data Augmented Design




As one of the essential parts in urban planning and design practice, the methodology about case study which is more reasonable and effective has not been established yet. Therefore, this paper attempts to provide the quantitative research methodology aiming at case study, which is applicable to urban planning and design in both incremental and stock urban areas. This methodology will be based on the new data environment as well as the framework of Data Augmented Design. After that, as the empirical research, the urban design practice in the new town of Tong Zhou is used to verify the feasibility of methodology in incremental areas. The paper finds that the quantitative research about current urban spaces will be continually used for the urban planning and design in incremental areas through extracting the “urban genes” and constructing the “urban gene bank”. For this reason, this methodology can provide more reasonable and scientific reference for the urban planning and design practice.




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