2018年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.298
Inspirations from the Urban Planning Responses in the Smog Event of Los Angeles


Jiang Xiji


Keywords:Los Angeles; Smog Event; Healthy Cities; Urban Planning; Experience and Inspirations




Nowadays many cities in China are confronted with severe air pollution. Both the development of healthy cities and the physical and mental health of citizens are under serious threat. About half a century ago, in the process of rigorous smog event, Los Angeles city government coordinated stakeholders with different interests, took positive governance measures and public policies, and at last improved the air quality greatly. Based on the event stream analysis method, this paper systematically combs: (1) urban development process of Los Angeles; (2)planning relevant achievements; (3) understanding those who were affected by or had an interest in this event, initiative, intervention, or effort, and tries to find out the roles on which that urban planning and related public policy instruments played during the smog event and post-smog event era. For the current situation and problems our cities are faced with, this paper gives suggestions from the LA case; and from the perspective of urban planning.


蒋希冀,博士研究生,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院。 jxjcaup@126.com


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