2019年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2019.140
The Logic of Ecological Practice


Yan Wentao


Keywords:Ecological Practice; Connotation and Characteristics; Logical Rules; Ecological Practice Knowledge System; Ecological Practice Framework




Taking ecological practice as the research object, we can better understand the basic rules of ecological practice and guide the direction to achieve a successful ecological practice. From the ontological perspective of ecological practice, this paper defines the concept and connotation of ecological practice, and puts forward six characteristics of ecological practice, such as organic system, territoriality, social diversity, spatial matching, temporality and covariance. Furthermore, five logical rules for ecological practice are summarized: indivisibility, context dependence, faulttolerance, adaptation, and feedback, which can help us to identify and avoid mistakes in practice. According to the knowledge source, the ecological practical knowledge is divided into four categories: ecological scientific knowledge, local tacit knowledge, practical motivation knowledge and procedural knowledge.




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