2019年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2019.305
An Analysis on Planning Paradigms and the Evolution of Urban Planning in China


Sun Shiwen


Keywords:Planning Paradigm; Construction-oriented Planning; Development-oriented Planning; Regulation-oriented Planning; Evolution of Urban Planning; China


在对世界各国城市规划的主要范式类型进行概括总结的基础上,详尽追溯了中国城市规划从建设规划起步,到建立发展规划框架,再到融入规制规划的形式,由此形成独具中国特色的城市规划体系的历程。中国城市规划体系吸收了各类规划范式中最具特色的形式和内容,在中国城镇化发展实践中发挥了重要作用。近20 年来,针对中国城市规划体系存在的问题,出现了空间发展战略规划、市县全域规划以及“三规合一”“多规合一”等探索,但在承续既有规划认识的情况下,建设规划的观念本底并未改变,甚至仍在不断强化。本文深入剖析了中国城市规划在特定的社会经济结构下,城市规划体系及其内涵的发展演变,揭示出中国城市规划体系的构成及其发展路径的独特性与深层次原因,也指出了城市规划体系改革不仅具有迫切性而且任重而道远。


This paper reviews the major “paradigms” for urban planning around the world and classifies the planning in China into three paradigms: constructionoriented planning, development-oriented planning, and regulation-oriented planning. The contemporary urban planning system in China started with construction-oriented planning in the 1950s under the influence of the Soviet model, and this course was changed after China broke up with Russia. In the early stage of reform and opening up, urban planning system was reshaped with reference to development-oriented planning and was later mixed with regulationoriented planning at the end of 1980s. Although the key features, contents, and methods in those three paradigms were all absorbed and played an important role in the rapid urbanisation of China, urban planning system is still constructionoriented at its core, notwithstanding the attempts and pilot programmes of urban spatial development strategic plan, territorial planning of cities and counties, and the integration of multi-modal planning. Based on the analysis on the evolution course of urban planning system in China and its functions under given political and socio-economic landscape, this paper reveals the institutions of urban planning in China in different times, its unique development path, as well as the root causes.




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