2019年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.544
Research Progress and Prospects of Street Connectivity Measurements: A Study on How to Popularize Block System in China from the Prospective of Regulations

方彬 石飞

Fang Bin, Shi Fei


Keywords:Street Connectivity; Block System; Measurements; Block Section; Regulation Establishment; Threshold Value




The popularization of block system in China was aimed at improving the street connectivity, with the method of breaking through the branches of streets. Grasping the overall situation of measurements is the precondition of improving the street connectivity in the process of construction. In order to fully understand the research progress of the street connectivity worldwide, this paper summarizes the frequently-used measurements of evaluating the street connectivity by sorting out and analyzing relevant literatures. We also point out some existing shortcomings and outlook the future research trend. Block section measurement is considered as an adaptive and feasible way to help popularize block system. Following the original intention of popularizing block system and realizing the difficulties of practice, this paper emphasizes the necessity of introducing related regulations and setting a threshold value. Two blocks of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, are selected to verify the feasibility of the block section measurement. This paper further discusses how to effectively guarantee the connectivity of block system by using a threshold value in the process of transformation and construction.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51778277, 51308281)



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