2019年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2018.256
From “5D” to “5D+N”: Research Published in English on the Factors Influencing TOD Performance

夏正伟 张烨

Xia Zhengwei, Zhang Ye

关键词:5D ;公交导向发展;效能; 建成环境指标;文献研究

Keywords:5D; Transit-oriented Development; Performance; Built Environment Indicators; Literature Review


“5D”维度指标来自赛维罗等关于美国建成环境对交通行为影响的研究,是TOD 建设与研究的重要参考。随着更多国家对TOD 效能评价展开相关研究,尚需结合更多的实证案例研究结果验证其适用性,以更好地指导TOD 的建设与研究。本文对TOD效能研究的英文文献进行了系统梳理,采用社会网络分析和聚类分析等方法,对影响TOD 效能的建成环境指标及其关联性特征进行了分析,总结了需要重点关注的6 个维度37 个指标,并进一步从“5D+N”维度探讨了轨交站点区域TOD 建设的策略建议。


The “5D” indicators which were developed based on the impact of built environments on travel behavior in the US proposed by Cervero et al. have become an important basis in TOD (Transitoriented Development) research and practice. As more studies on the evaluation of TOD performance have been carried out in more countries, we need to verify the applicability of “5D” by the results of more empirical case studies, so as to better guide the construction and research of TOD. This paper systematically reviews the relevant research on TOD performance published in English. Using the social network analysis method and cluster analysis method, the built environment factors influencing the performance of TOD and their correlation characteristics have been identified. This paper proposes a “5D+N” framework including six dimensions and 37 indicators for TOD to focus on. Furthermore, the paper recommends the strategies for TOD practice based on the “5D+N” dimensions and indicators.


夏正伟, 博士, 苏州大学建筑学院建筑系副教授。xia_zw@126.com



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