2020年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j. upi.2019.213
城市文化空间塑造的国际经验与启示 —— 以伦敦、纽约、巴黎、东京为例
Creating and Shaping Cultural Spaces in International Cities: Take London, New York, Paris and Tokyo as Cases

魏伟 刘畅 张帅权 王兵

Wei Wei, Liu Chang, Zhang Shuaiquan, Wang Bing


Keywords:International Cities; Urban Cultural Space; Cultural Industry; Cultural Facilities; Urban Renewal




Urban cultural space is the embodiment of urban vitality and has increasingly become the focus of urban construction. The study of the shaping of urban cultural space has important practical significance for improving urban quality and achieving sustainable development. By combing the status of international cities such as London, New York, Paris, and Tokyo, the city’s cultural shaping is studied based on the three levels of urban development, cultural function zoning, and cultural basic services. From the perspectives of strategic planning, functional culture shaping, equalization facilities and atmosphere creation, we analyze the excellent experience of urban culture shaping. In the important period when China’s cities are facing transformation and renewal, this paper puts forward some thoughts on shaping urban cultural space. By improving the cultural planning system, enhancing cultural supply, spatial agglomeration and equalization, and stimulating the interaction between the city and the public, culture leads the city to comprehensive and sustainable development.







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