2020年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.117
From “Exogenous Forces” to “Endogenous Forces”: Research, Practice and Enlightenment of Rural Development Driving Forces in Europe After World War II

张晨 肖大威

Zhang Chen, Xiao Dawei


Keywords:European Countryside; Rural Development; Driving Factors; Exogenous Forces; Endogenous Forces




At present, the rapid pace of globalization promotes the international flow of knowledge and practical experience, and these transnational knowledge reference can provide relevant solutions for similar problems encountered in the development of other regions. Under the realistic background of rapid urban-rural transformation in China, rural development is facing enormous challenges. From the perspective of rural development dynamics, this paper attempts to trace the change of cognition on the sources and components of driving forces in European rural research and policy practice, in order to provide ideas for the plight of rural development in China. Rural development in Europe has experienced a process of transition from over-reliance on exogenous driving factors such as urban capital, technology and government policy subsidies to emphasizing endogenous driving factors such as rural nature, history, human resources and community development capabilities. Simultaneously, the way of rural development has shifted from rural modernization under government intervention to community-led rural diversification. At present, Chinese rural development still relies on the involvement of a large number of external driving forces. In this process, government-led rural development ignores the main force of rural community, which is the key to sustainable rural development. Therefore, the European experience provides lessons and enlightenments for our rural development in the role of government, the return of community subjects and the exploration of diversified paths.





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