2021年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.392
Principles and Strategies for Construction of Pedestrian Network in Metro Hub Areas

吴亮 陆伟

Wu Liang, Lu Wei

关键词:地铁枢纽 ;步行网络 ;站域 ;分层建构 ; 关联整合

Keywords:Metro Hub; Pedestrian Network; Station Area; Layered Construction; Relation Integration


地铁枢纽站域步行网络的建构对于城市空间效 率和活力均具有重要意义。本文首先探讨了地铁枢纽 站域集散与流转的拓扑模型,然后在宏观尺度上对路 径网络的高效编织、节点体系的有机耦合两个主要建 构原则进行了深入解析。在此基础上,结合典型案例, 本文从地下主导、空中主导、多维主导三个方面探讨 了环境导向的多元化分层建构策略,并从地面网络的 优化、多维网络的链接两个方面探讨了步行网络与城 市要素的关联整合策略。


The construction of pedestrian network is of great significance to the efficiency and vitality of urban space in Metro Hub Areas. Firstly, this paper discusses the topological model of distribution and circulation in Metro Hub Areas, and then the both principles of High Efficiency Weaving of Path Network and Organic Coupling of Nodes System are analyzed on the macro scale. On this basis, Diverse Layered Strategy based on environment is discussed from the three aspects of Underground Dominating, Air Dominating and Multi-dimension Dominating combining typical cases, and Relation Integration Strategy of walking network and urban elements is also discussed from the two aspects of At-grade Level Optimization and Multi-dimension Network Link.


吴亮,大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院,副教授。 wuliang1026@126.com 

 陆伟,大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院,教授。 luweieds@dlut.edu.cn


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