2021年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.037
全球化背景下多主体推动的滨水区更新 —— 以德国科隆莱茵瑙港为例
Multi-participation Waterfront Regeneration in the Context of Globalization: A Case Study of the Rheinauhafen in Cologne, Germany

李子枫 黄耿志 薛德升

Li Zifeng, Huang Gengzhi, Xue Desheng

关键词:滨水区更新 ;全球化 ;多主体推动 ;科隆莱茵瑙港 ;城市更新 ; 城市空间重构

Keywords:Waterfront Regeneration; Globalization; Multi-participation; Cologne Rheinauhafen; Urban Regeneration; Urban Spatial Reconstruction


滨水区更新已成为全球化背景下城市空间重构过程的重要组成部分。现代 港口及其商业活动被迁移到远离城市中心的地方,在城市中心区留下了亟待重新 利用和开发的废弃滨水区。德国科隆莱茵瑙港滨水区的更新呈现出在全球化影响 下的综合城市更新特点,反映了政府和地方积极应对全球化,及时采取措施重构 空间功能和城市形态的能力。项目通过自上而下与自下而上相结合的多方参与合 作机制,将公私投资和利益相关者纳入到更新过程的各个阶段中。政府引导、企 业实施、多方合作的决策体系,使规划方案成为多方博弈后达成的共识。


The waterfront regeneration has become an important issue of urban spatial reconstruction process in the context of globalization. Since the direct social connections and market proximity are not necessary for the modern port commercial activities, port and its activities are moved to an area far from the city center. Therefore, an abandoned waterfront space is left in the central area of the city, waiting to be reused and redeveloped. This article studies the urban regeneration project of the Rheinauhafen in Cologne, Germany, and presents the characteristics of comprehensive urban regeneration under the influence of globalization,reflecting that the governmental and local actors actively respond to globalization and take timely measures to reconstruct spatial functions and urban forms. The project integrates public and private investment as well as stakeholders into the various stages of the process through a multiparticipatory cooperation mechanism with the combination of top-down and bottomup. The openness and transparency of the multi-participatory decision-making process, which under the guidance of governmental departments, implementation of enterprises, and cooperation of related actors, ensure the final decision a consensus after various discussions.






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