2021年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.332
International Experience and Inspiration of Adaptive Planning to Cope with Health Risks of Climate Change

冷红 李姝媛

Leng Hong, Li Shuyuan

关键词:气候变化 ;健康风险 ;适应性规划 ;国际经验 ;国土空间规划

Keywords:Climate Change; Health Risk; Adaptive Planning; International Experience; Spatial Planning


随着气候变化对健康的影响不断加剧,如何有效降低健康风险、保障居民的健康安全,对城市规划提出了极具复杂性的挑战。本文在分析气候变化对健康的影响以及应对气候变化健康风险的适应性规划意义的基础上,重点对适应性规划的国际经验进行总结分析,包括制定政策与计划,提供技术支持,实施信息监测,开展相关研究等 ;并进一步将国际经验与中国国土空间规划发展现况相结合,提出重视气候变化健康风险评估、加强应对气候变化健康风险规划编制以及推进应对气候变化健康风险的规划实施监督等相关启示与建议。


With the increasing impact of climate change on health, how to reduce health risks effectively and protect the healthy safety of residents is an extremely complex challenge for urban planning. Based on the analysis of the impact of climate change on health and the significance of adaptation planning to address climate change health risks, this paper focuses on the international experience of adaptation planning to cope with health risks of climate change, includes formulating policies and plans, providing technical tools, implementing risk information monitoring, and conducting relative research. Furthermore, combining the international experience with the development status of China’s spatial planning, this paper puts forward enlightenment and suggestions in terms of emphasizing the health risk assessment of climate change, strengthening the formulation of plans to cope with health risks of climate change, and promoting the implementation supervision of the planning to cope with the health risks 

of climate change.





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