2021年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.415
Research on Coastal Climate Adaptation Planning Process Involving American Academic Institutions

刘钊启 宋彦

Liu Zhaoqi, Song Yan

关键词:沿海气候适应性规划 ;学术机构 ;协同规划 ;灾害治理 ;美国

Keywords:Coastal Climate Adaptation Planning; Academic Institutions; Collaborative Planning; Disaster Governance; The United States


在全球气候相关灾害频发的背景下,我国沿海气候适应性规划体系初步建立并在不断完善,但仍存在社会应急网络建设薄弱、行动逻辑合理性有待提升、精细化管理手段需进一步完善等不足,借鉴具有国际视野的经验有助于我国相关规划克服以上挑战。本文以美国学术机构参与沿海气候适应性规划为介绍对象,总结分析了美国学术机构参与灾害治理的制度背景与技术可行性 ;并以北卡罗来纳州六个社区的气候适应性规划为例,介绍了相关行动在宏观、中观与微观层面的协同内容与效果 ;最后基于沿海气候适应性规划的共性规律,对我国学术机构进一步灵活、主动参与沿海气候适应性规划提出建议。


In the context of the frequent occurrence of global climate related disasters, China has established a coastal climate adaptation planning system. Although it has been initially established and is being improved, but there are still shortcomings such as weak social emergency network construction, action logic rationality needs to be improved, and refined management tools need to be further improved, etc. Learning from experiences with an international perspective can help China’s relevant plannings overcome these challenges. This paper takes the participation of the US academic institutions in coastal climate adaptation planning as a case study, summarizes and analyzes the institutional background and technical feasibility of academic institutions participating in disaster governance. Further, this paper takes the climate adaptation planning actions of six communities in North Carolina week as examples to introduce the cooperation content and final effects of planning actions at macro, meso and micro levels. Finally, based on the common patterns of coastal climate adaptation planning, suggestions are made for further flexible and proactive involvem of Chinese academic institutions in coastal climate adaptation planning.





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