2022年第1期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.560
Enlightenment of Dutch Environment and Planning Act on the Reconstruction of China’s Planning Act

张书海 李丁玲

Zhang Shuhai, Li Dingling

关键词:荷兰 ;环境与规划法 ;多法合一 ;央地分权 ;公众参与

Keywords:The Netherlands; Environment and Planning Act; Multiple Acts Integration; Central and Local Power Distribution; Public Participation


随着“多规合一”改革的快速推进,我国规划体系在技术、 管理机构方面已经实现合一,但在更深层次的法律法规层面仍然 处于“九龙治水”的局面。基于此,本文选取经历了“大一统” 改革的荷兰《环境与规划法》为研究对象,总结其在“多法合 一”、央地分权以及信息公开与公众参与三个方面的经验和做法, 探究对我国规划法律体系整合的启示和借鉴。文章主要结论如下: 采用“主干+专项”的模式,构建统一的规划法律体系 ;集权分 权并重,构建合理的央地分权关系 ;强化信息公开,构建有限制 的公众参与机制。


With the rapid advancement of the “multiple plans integration” reform, China’s planning system has achieved unity in terms of technology and management institutions. However, laws and regulations are still under multiple management entities. Since the Netherlands has gone through the “great unification” for its space laws, this paper researches the Dutch “Environment and Planning Act” and synthesizes its best practices in three aspects: “multiple acts integration”, central and local power distribution, information disclosure and public participation. Based on that, this paper then explores the enlightenments for China’s planning act system integration and comes up with somes primary results. To construct a unified planning act system, a model like “trunk + special items” should be adopted; to establish a reasonable distribution of central and local power, centralization and decentralization should be balanced; to construct a modest public participation mechanism, information disclosure should be further strengthened.


张书海(通信作者),中国人民大学公共管理学院副教授, 硕士生导师。zhangshuhai@ruc.edu.cn 



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