2022年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.612
Rural Planning Transformation and Governance Innovation from the Perspective of “Beyond Smart Shrinkage”: International Experience and Local Exploration

胡航军 张京祥

Hu Hangjun, Zhang Jingxiang


Keywords:Rural Shrinkage; International Experience; Smart Shrinkage; Rural Governance; Village Planning; Sustainable Development


随着经济社会的巨大发展与城镇化的快速推进,传统的乡土中国正在逐步瓦解,引发了以人口收缩为主要表征的乡村收缩问题。 本文在解读中国乡村收缩总体特征的基础上,辨析了国内相关研究的内涵,认为当前的收缩乡村实践存在消极抵制收缩与过分聚焦空间的误区。通过梳理国际普遍的态度演进与应对之策,认为国土空间规划体系下的村庄规划需要超越狭义关注空间的精明收缩理念,在立足中国独特机制的基础上,从发展范式转变、规划体系转型、治理模式创新等多方面的探索来匹配现实的收缩趋势,最终促进乡村地区的治理现代化与可持续发展。


With the tremendous economic and social development and the rapid advancement of urbanization, the traditional rural China is falling apart, triggering the problem of rural shrinkage mainly characterized by population decline. Based on interpreting the overall characteristics of rural shrinkage in China, this paper analyzes the connotation of relevant domestic research, and believes that the current practice in shrinking rural areas has the misunderstanding of passive resistance to shrinkage and over focusing on space. By summarizing the evolution of general international attitudes and countermeasures, it is believed that the villages planning under spatial planning system needs to go beyond the confined meaning of smart shrinkage that focuses on space in a narrow sense, and based on the unique mechanism, to match the actual shrinking trend by exploring in many ways such as development paradigm transformation, planning system transformation, governance model innovation, etc. and ultimately to promote the modernization of governance and sustainable development in rural areas.


胡航军,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生。 863213139@qq.com 

张京祥(通信作者),博士,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院教授、 博士生导师,中国城市规划学会常务理事,中国城市规划学会城乡治理与政策研究学术委员会主任委员。3593786@163.com


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