2022年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j,upi.2020.463
Application of Local Knowledge in Sustainable Spatial Planning

李稷 张沛 张中华

Li Ji, Zhang Pei, Zhang Zhonghua


Keywords:Local Knowledge; Indigenous Knowledge; Sustainable Spatial Planning; Sustainable Development; Application




Under the background of globalization, the discourse right of modern western scientific knowledge is strengthened constantly, which leads to the marginalization of local knowledge in a long period of time. The rise of anti-globalization and the rational call of the global sustainable development make the local knowledge return to the public vision again, and has been applied in the research field of sustainable development such as ecological environment, economic society and culture. This paper aims to analyze the relevant concepts and connotation of local knowledge, combing the application experience of local knowledge in the field of sustainable development at home and abroad combined with literature and practical cases, and discusses its application ideas in sustainable space planning from the aspects of basic relationship, objectives, principles, framework and difficulties, so as to provide references for sustainable space planning in China.

基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(19YJAZH107),国家自然科学 基金面上项目(51978552)





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