2023年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.384
Study on Sustainable Stormwater Management Policies from the International Perspective: The Comparison of the US, the UK and China

魏依柯 陈前虎

Wei Yike, Chen Qianhu

关键词:雨洪政策 ;可持续管理 ;经济激励 ;公众参与 ; 中美英比较研究

Keywords:Stormwater Policy; Sustainable Management; Economic Incentives; Public Participation; Comparative Study of China, The US and The UK


对雨洪资源进行有效管理与合理利用是缓解快速城市化产生的 负面影响,实现人与自然和谐可持续发展的重要举措。欧美等发达国 家经过多年探索和实践,其雨洪管理政策已趋于完善并初见成效。本 文在简要梳理 19 世纪以来国内外雨洪管理发展历程的基础上,对比剖 析美国、英国和中国雨洪管理的特点和差异,总结先发国家在政策法规、 管理机制、经济激励和公众参与方面的经验以及我国当前存在的不足, 提出具有中国特色的现代雨洪管理体系建设的政策建议,为构建科学 的城市水环境治理模式和良性的水循环系统提供决策支持。


Effective management and rational utilization of stormwater resources are important measures to alleviate the negative impact of urbanization and achieve the goal of sustainable development. After years of exploration and practices in developed countries such as Europe and the United States, their stormwater management policies have tended to be improved and have achieved initial results. Based on a brief review of the development of stormwater management at domestic and abroad since the 19th century, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the characteristics and differences of stormwater management in the United States, the United Kingdom and China. It also summarizes the experience of the developed countries in terms of policies and regulations, management mechanism, economic incentives and public participation, as well as the current shortcomings in China. Based on the results, this paper puts forward the proposal of establishing a modern stormwater management system with Chinese characteristics. The policy recommendations of this paper would provide decision support for the construction of scientific urban water environment governance model and benign water cycle system.


魏依柯(通信作者),浙江工业大学设计与建筑学院,硕士研究生。 846115666@qq.com 

陈前虎,博士,浙江工业大学设计与建筑学院院长,教授。 chenqianhu@zjut.edu.cn


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