2023年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.539
Study on The French Temporary Use Model of Historic Districts Regeneration and Enlightment on the Adaptive Reuse of Urban Heritage in China

万婷婷 李明烨

Wan Tingting, Li Mingye


Keywords:Historic District Regeneration; Protection; Adaptive Reuse; Temporary Use; France




Successful adaptive reuse is not achieved overnight. As a method of urban regeneration guide and a mode of exploration that connect the past and the future functions, temporary use is being paid more and more attention. Based on the review of the concepts, theories and development stages of temporary use, on the experience of temporary use in Ile-de-France and on the analyse of the temporary use case of the “big neighbour” of the Saint-Vincent-de-Paul hospital in Paris, in combining with the current status of temporary use in heritage regeneration in China, this paper points out that temporary use can reverse the decline image of the district to a certain extent, provides an experiment and buffering for the development of a more suitable development model for regeneration district, helps to maintain social fairness and provides a brand new planning and management methods for the future development of the regeneration district. Finally, it give suggestions to the temporary use pratices in China.





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