2023年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2023.310
城市形态与气候韧性的关联性实证研究 ——以澳门的雨洪事件为例
Empirical Correlations Between Urban Form and Climate Resilience: A Study of Flooding Events in Macau

李超骕 朱鹏辉 李可欣 周龙

Li Chaosu, Zhu Penghui, Li Kexin, Zhou Long

关键词:城市建成环境 ;韧性城市 ;极端降雨 ;退水速率 ;澳门 ;高密度城市

Keywords:Urban Built Environment; Resilient City; Extreme Rainfall; Runoff Recession Velocity; Macau; High-density City




In recent decades, climate change has led to a visible increasing frequency and intensity of urban disasters, and climate resilience has gradually become a research focus. However, the lack of quantitative empirical research on climate resilience results in excessive focus on conceptual debate and preliminary theoretical exploration. Using Macau as the testbed, we use flooding events as the context and construct a conceptual framework and empirical model to explore the relationship between urban form and flood resilience. Specifically, we reveal the correlations between multi-dimensional urban form and flood resilience based on the real-time water level data during the flooding events, and propose strategies for improving resilience in rains referring to urban form. The fixed-effects regression results show that road density, building setback, pipe density, and NDVI are significantly related to the built environment resilience towards rainfall. The study highlights the importance of spatial policy and urban form guidance for improving urban climate resilience, and improves the resilient cities theory from an empirical perspective, and effectively responds to the issue that existing related studies over immerse in conceptual deduction and lack quantitative empirical research.


李超骕(通信作者),香港科技大学(广州)城市治理与设计学域,助理教授 ;香港科技大学公共政策学部,联署助理教授。chaosuli@ust.hk





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