2023年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.146
Governance of Informal Settlements from an Inclusive Perspective: A Case Study of Sao Paulo, Brazil

洪千惠 陈宇琳

Hong Qianhui, Chen Yulin

关键词:非正规住房 ;包容性治理 ;城市更新 ;实施机制 ;巴西

Keywords:Informal Settlements; Inclusive Governance; Urban Regeneration; Implementation Mechanism; Brazil


在我国非正规住房治理转型背景下,本文基于包容性理念提出“空间包容—制度包容—实施包容”分析框架,并以非正规住房改造卓有成效的巴西圣保罗为例展开研究。笔者在回顾圣保罗非正规住房治理历程的基础上,对其包容性治理的实施机制进行总结:空间维度上,圣保罗构建了覆盖非正规用地、贫民窟、群租房、公共住房等多种类型的非正规住房综合治理体系 ;制度维度上,通过保障土地使用权、划定特别社会利益区、多方获取资金、搭建项目统筹平台等方式,保障非正规住房正规化的顺利实施 ;实施维度上,针对生存、发展和社会等方面,全方位、全过程推动非正规住房的环境提升、设施改善和社区赋能。最后,笔者针对我国非正规住房治理面临的挑战,提出以下建议 :完善非正规住房空间谱系 ;推动非正规住房纳入城市公共住房体系 ;采取空间提升与社会发展并重的非正规住房治理对策等。


In the context of the transformation of informal settlements governance in China, this paper proposes an analytical framework of “spatial inclusion - institutional inclusion - implementation inclusion” based on the concept of inclusiveness, and takes Sao Paulo, Brazil, which is successful in informal settlements upgrading, as an example. Based on the review of the governance process of informal settlements in Sao Paulo, its implementation mechanism of inclusive governance is summarized: in the spatial dimension, a comprehensive governance system has been built, including favela, informal subdivisions, tenements and public housing estates; in the institutional dimension, the formalization of informal housing is promoted by ensuring land use rights, delineating special areas of social interest, obtaining funds from multiple parties, and building a project coordination platform; in the implementation dimension, all-round and whole process strategies have been adopted to improve survival, development, and social conditions. Finally, suggestions are put forward for the governance of informal settlements in China, including improving the spatial pedigree of informal housing, integrating informal housing into the urban public housing system, and adopting informal housing governance countermeasures that pay equal attention to spatial improvement and social development.





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