2023年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.075
Adaptive Utilization of Underground Space in Urban Historic Area of Japan and Its Reference

廖钰琪 许熙巍 汤岳

Liao Yuqi, Xu Xiwei, Tang Yue

关键词:日本城市 ;历史地区 ;地下空间 ;适应性利用 ;保护与发展

Keywords:Japanese Cities; Historic Area; Underground Space; Adaptive Utilization; Conservation and Development




Since the reform of land and space planning, as a new type of land resource, underground space could improve the efficiency of land use, and balance the relationship between conservation and development of historic cities and areas sufficiently. During the period of rapid urbanization in Japan, the conflict between the urban development of new functions and the conservation of historical and cultural heritage has been resolved by the adaptive use of underground space. It has effectively eased the contention between these two aspects. It has helped to establish the harmonization between the protection of historical and cultural heritage and improving the density and the quality of incrustation. It can be regarded as reform method of spatial ‘supplement’. This paper introduces underground space development in historic areas of Japanese cities. It studies the content and methods of spatial organization, the functional organization utilization, underground construction and renewable technologies. It also addresses the problems of spatial construction in historic urban areas in China. Furthermore, it makes suggestions that selecting the underground spatial development methods according to the location conditions, adaptable selecting the underground space function, regenerating and improving the underground infrastructure, and considering to integrate the new underground technologies with historic heritage development. It could inspire and provide references for solving the problems between urban conservation and future advanced development.







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