2023年第4期   DOI:
After Rural Planning: The Obligatory Passage Phenomenon of Rural Operation by State-owned Enterprises and the Paradox Towards Sustainability

豆岚雨 申明锐

Dou Lanyu, Shen Mingrui

关键词:乡村振兴 ;国企下乡 ;乡村治理 ;强制通行点 ;可持续发展

Keywords:Rural Revitalization; State-owned Enterprises Going Down to Countryside; Rural Governance; Obligatory Passage Point; Sustainable Development




The rural program and planning entering the countryside filled the hollow of rural governance and spawned a boom in rural physical construction. The accumulation of government funds in the countryside formed considerable assets, and the focus of rural revitalization has shifted from “rural construction” to “rural operation”. The feature of the government being short of market operation creates a need to introduce market entities, but the profit-seeking nature of market entities makes it difficult for them to undertake benefit mitigation. The state-owned enterprise is an important tool for the government to realize the market-oriented operation of projects, so it becomes a new choice for rural operation subjects between the government and the market. Taking Qianjiadu in Jiangning District of Nanjing as a typical case, this paper points out that the stated-owned enterprise operating model village project became the obligatory passage point, opened a window for governance and reconstruction, led Qianjiadu to go through two stages of space construction and asset operation, and realized rural material renewal and asset revitalization. This paper reveals that after state-owned enterprises went to the countryside, a stable governance structure with economic and social separation has been formed in Qianjiadu, but there remain problems of unsustainable rural development caused by the dilemma of business models and the loss of village collective autonomy.





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