2023年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.620
Study on the Housing Development Planning System in Japan

蒋宏志 王彬武

Jiang Hongzhi, Wang Binwu

关键词:住房发展规划;体系研究;规划实践;居住生活基本规划; “全国—都道府县—市区町村”规划管理体系;日本

Keywords:Housing Development Planning; System Research; Planning Practice; Basic Program for Housing; Housing Planning Management System of “National - Prefectures - Cities/Wards/Towns/Villages”; Japan


当前我国住房总数量已超过家庭户数量,住房发展的主要矛盾由住房供应的数量不足转向结构性不平衡,需要发挥住房发展规划的引领作用,不断满足人民美好居住生活需要。日本经过两轮住房发展规划的经验积累,其计划性和综合性有所提高,同时核心目标从满足社会需求转为满足人的需求。日本在2006 年颁布实施《居住生活基本规划》时其住房发展情况与我国当前相近,通过研究分析日本迄今的居住生活基本规划体系实践,发现其形成了“国家—都道府县—市区町村”三级住房规划管理体系,注重实用的实施体系和精细化的评估体系,但存在政策推行速度慢、公共住宅供应规模缩小的问题。本文在总结日本经验的基础上,结合中国住房发展现状,从明确规划定位、编制存量住房规划、注重都市圈住房发展和加强住房信息支持力度等方面为我国住房发展规划编制实施提出了经验借鉴。


At present, the total amount of housing in China has exceeded the number of households, and the main contradiction of housing development has shifted from insufficient housing supply to structural imbalance. Housing development planning is supposed to play the leading role to continuously meet the needs of people's better living life. After two rounds of housing development planning in Japan, the planning implementability and comprehensiveness have been improved. At the same time, its core goal has shifted from meeting social needs to meeting people's needs. When Japan promulgated and implemented the Basic Program for Housing (National Plan) in 2006, its housing development situation was similar to that of China's current housing development. Through the research of Japan's basic plan and practice for housing so far, it is found that Japan has formed a three-level housing planning and management system of “national - prefectures - cities/wards/towns/villages”, a practical implementation system and a refined evaluation system, while there are some problems such as the slow implementation of policies and the reduction of public housing supply scale. On the basis of summing up the experience of Japan and combining with the current situation of China's housing development, this paper puts forward some experience for the compilation and implementation of China's housing development planning from the aspects of clearing planning orientation, compiling stock planning, focusing on the housing development of metropolitan areas and improving the housing information support mechanism.





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